A picture of Rider Jensen

Rider Jensen

Software Engineer (but I do other things too)

What I am up to

A Non-Exhaustive List

A closer look at a few projects I have worked on that I particularly enjoyed

Rehype Class Names

Why am I proud of a repository that only has one useful file in it? Good things come in small packages of course! I rewrote an open source package to include typescript support on an HTML plugin syntax tree ecosystem since the previous author was not interested. To date, it is my most downloaded package on NPM and it is listed as a recommended by Rehype. It's also used by NASA (Look mom, I'm famous!). Contributing to open source, no matter how small, is important and I am proud that something I wrote could be user by others in any capacity. Source

Crowdfunding an e-sports team

Remember your first online gaming experience where a bunch of nerds who play 24/7 gave you the beat down of a lifetime? Well those nerds need money to play competitively since prize pools just don't cut it. This project was a Next.js frontend for the Neutral Stack backend which let users sign up and vote for the direction of the team based on their overall contribution to a crowdfunding initiative. Based on their given amount, users can vote in polls that dictate the direction of the e-sports team, allowing real people to shape the future instead of a faceless corporation. Source

Neutral Stack

Ever wanted to make a poll but let some users have more say than others? If you said yes, that is messed up (but I made a tool for you). This project built with Node.js and mySQL includes poll creation, user voting, and an API that is easy to interact. Now you can explicitly tell people their voice means less than others'. Source

Lean List

Lean List was my first foray into mobile development and while I am no expert, I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it. Built with Flutter and Firebase, it's a native mobile application that allows for multiple people to create, keep, and edit lists with other people. Source

Still not impressed?

Geez well I also write blog posts about technical and non-technical things that are sometimes funny. Or maybe you need to learn even more about me?



Migrating Create React App with Jest to Vite with Vitest


Migrating from Create React App to Vite. I identify why Vite was good for us to switch to and the process that I went through along with some snags I hit that you can avoid.

Read Migrating Create React App with Jest to Vite with Vitest


Simple Queue System With Socket.io


I created a simple queueing system with Socket.io and Node.js in order to offload long asynchronous tasks outside of the event loop while leveraging an event based messaging system.

Read Simple Queue System With Socket.io


How It Took Me Two Years To Get $110 From Delta


Corporations will take your money blindly and promise the world in return. But often they will dig their heels in when it is their turn to fulfill their promises. Sometimes you just have to be more stubborn than they are, even if it costs your sanity.

Read How It Took Me Two Years To Get $110 From Delta


Creating and Hosting A World of Warcraft Private Server


The original World of Warcraft is arguably the best MMORPG of all time. As time progressed, expansions were released, content became unavailable, and core mechanics changed. Relive those glory days with friends (or by yourself) with a privately hosted World of Warcraft emulated instance that you control.

Read Creating and Hosting A World of Warcraft Private Server


Headlessly Streaming To Twitch with FFmpeg and Node.js


A beginner's walkthrough on streaming mp4 to Twitch. I cover downscaling files, combining them, and streaming them using Node.js. Code examples are included and I talk about some unexpected issues I ran into while trying to process video with FFmpeg.

Read Headlessly Streaming To Twitch with FFmpeg and Node.js


Code Implications


I set a trap for myself a few months ago and only sprung it while getting this website up and running. Code we write can have implications and unintended consequences if we are not careful.

Read Code Implications

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